Parafin Lavender Activator

Paraffin is a softening treatment for dry, damaged skin. It hydrates and soothes the skin and temporarily relieves pain caused by arthritis, bursitis and chronic.

  • Choice of using either crystal activator with exfoliating crystals for a deep massage, or hot paraffin wax.
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PerfectSense Paraffin is a groundbreaking product that effectively total portability and electricity-free heating.

PerfectSense Paraffin Heating Chamber. TM. Dimensions Lavender AromaVapor Solution: Invigorate AromaVapor don t pour AromaVapor activator yet.

Two PerfectSense Paraffin Gloves or Slippers One Heater Pouch One AromaVapor Activator Solution in your choice of fragrance Lavender, Invigorate.