Offline Patch
Hey there, very nice article. I have a question for you, does this process work for you if you try to add update packages to a Windows 7 SP1 install.wim.
I previously blogged that memory leak issues were being reported with KB2799728. That hotfix repaired an issue where CSVs were going into a paused or.
New Patch Fifa14 Offline Squads Update by VarioChyContinue reading.
Oracle Database. Release Notes. 11 g Release 2 11.2 for IBM AIX on POWER Systems 64-Bit E23560-05. January 2014. This document contains information that.
Diablo 3 offline patch. I remember when i first played Diablo II, I played it so much with my brother through LAN good times. Now that Diablo 3 has come out you must.
Dec 20, 2012 This crack allows you to play Diablo 3 offline single player campaign. This is not my site/crack and i dont take any credit for it. All credits to the.
Blizzard has recently issued official standalone upgrade version file for Warcraft 1.26 Patch. The new update is now available on their FTP server.
I was watching my Twitter feed the other day and saw that Brandon Linton posted an excellent blog about How to Offline Patch a. WIM image using DISM.
If you have ever needed to offline patch a image you may have asked yourself how do i do that 1. Find the index you want to patch: dism /get-wiminfo /wimfile: path.
I was watching my Twitter feed the other day and saw that Brandon Linton posted an excellent blog about How to Offline Patch a .WIM image using DISM. This is an excellent technique for injecting all of those Windows hotfixes that are not available via WSUS or just to quickly inject new patches without having to completely rebuild your images. Where I work, we really only build images once per quarter and take care of interim patching using SCCM. In addition to leveraging Michael Niehaus’ MDT Image Factory, we wanted to automate this process also. Off to PowerShell! DISCLAIMER – I use a very specific naming convention that is HARD CODED into the PowerShell script to identify the Operating System that the WIM file contains. I also use images that have a single index. You can modify the code if you need to deal with multiple indexes or change the .WIM file names the script looks for. I have these names set as the MDT Task Sequence ID’s in the MDT Image Factory linked above. The first thing I needed to do in order to automate this process is setup a directory structure for storing all of the hotfixes we inject (the ones not available via WSUS). We’ll call it “SoftwareUpdates” (Note the absence of a space here, it’s very important). Next, we need a Mount directory to actually mount the .WIM file using DISM to perform the offline patching operations. In the same directory as “SoftwareUpdates”, we’ll create another directory called “mount”. So here is our directory structure. Very simple containing only our PowerShell script, SoftwareUpdates directory, mount directory and any .wim images you may want to patch. Now let’s dive into the SoftwareUpdates directory and see how that’s setup. As you can see below, we have created additional directories for each of the operating systems where we will store our .msu update files. And here are the contents of the Win7x64 directory for good measure: Now all you need to do is run the PowerShell script attached to this post and it will mount each of your .WIM files (assuming they are appropriately named), patch and commit the changes and move on to the next until all available .WIM files have been patched!