Driver Fatigue Test
Surviving Lymphoma: Post-Cancer Fatigue
Fatigue is a lack of energy or weakness that differs from drowsiness. Fatigue will not go away with extra rest because it is usually the result of an underlying medical condition or treatment. Cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation are known causes of fatigue. Because they are harsh on the body, your organs and cells need time to recover. Thus, fatigue makes you want to rest so you body can heal. However, this type of fatigue does not last too long and is perfectly normal. Fatigue that continues on for a while may be the result of low blood counts leading to anemia. It's also possible that your thyroid was damaged during treatment. The thyroid helps with energy levels, so damage can result in fatigue. These and other causes are easily treatable, so talk to your doctor if you feel tired for an extended period of time post-treatment. Post-Cancer Fatigue Fatigue that persists after cancer is in remission and your medical team rules out other treatable causes is called Post-Cancer Fatigue (PCF). Though there is no known cause for PCF, you shouldn't worry, as it's normal. Your doctor should continue your regular check-ups to ensure everything is ok. Fatigue can make it hard to function on a day-to-day basis. The best thing to do is to get adequate rest and think about your energy level. Prioritize your daily tasks so you use your energy on the most important ones. "Establish a new normal" by adjusting your schedule to match your energy. Cancer Fatigue Resources Photo by C. Leconte
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National reforms to combat heavy vehicle driver fatigue are about making the roads safer and fairer, not just for heavy vehicle drivers, but for all road users.
- Key symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and how the diagnosis is made. Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome share many diagnostic symptoms.
- Driving test: What to expect. The driving test measures your ability to drive legally and safely. An examiner rides with you to evaluate your driving.
- Information on post cancer fatigue after treatment for lymphoma lymphatic cancer.
- Recover Extreme Fatigue. Identify Symptoms and Possible Causes. Learn Appropriate Approach to Overcome Your Extreme Fatigue.
- Tool-Box Talk for Commercial Drivers Driver Fatigue Driver fatigue is an important issue for everyone, especially commercial truck drivers. Fatigue is often.
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